Playful Flow

Hotel Delfin - Tomažičeva ulica, 10, Izola, Slovenia - Show map

Contact Improvisation workshop + JAM 
with Davide Casiraghi
Through playful exercises we will experiment Contact Improvisation that will bring us in a joyful flow and improvisation. Creating different sets of situations and unusual tasks to solve trough our body-mind intelligence and letting our body organize itself to survive.
An exploration about what can happen in a point of contact when we listen, exchange weight trusting our dance partners.
This workshop is intended for all the level of participants, from curious beginners to practitioners that what to go deeper in understanding of physics principles we use in Contact Improvisation.
Saturday, 29 October 
9.30 - 10:00: Welcome and subscriptions
10.00 – 12.30: WORKSHOP
13.00 – 15.00: Lunch
15.00 – 17.30: WORKSHOP
18.00 – 20.30: JAM
Sunday, 30 October 
10.00 – 12.30: WORKSHOP
13.00 – 15.00: Lunch
15.00 – 17.30: WORKSHOP
The midday meal is self-managed, everyone is invited to bring some food to share with everyone else. On site you will find plastic plates, cups and forks and a kettle for tea.
The event will be host by Erato.
The workshop will go on in two different locations, in the Saturday pause we will move from one location to the other, that is very close.
- Saturday morning - 
Gym of hotel Delfin, Tomažičeva ulica 10, 6310 Izola – Slovenija
- Saturday afternoon and Sunday - 
Gym of the Old italian school, Gregorčičeva ulica 21, SI- 6310 Izola - Slovenija
About DAVIDE CASIRAGHI (Milan-Trieste)
After a Bachelor’s degree in information technology at the Milano Bicocca University and some years spent working behind a desk I started looking for a training in physical theatre. In January 2010 by chance I attended a Contact Improvisation workshop held by Marco Zontini and I instantly fell in love with this dance, which has allowed me to discover the relationship and harmony of my body. From then I have been studying with many teachers in Italy and Europe and got more and more passionate for movement and the search for bodily self-awareness.
Being a member of the Daimon collective I have been organizing Sunday Contact Jams in Milan. Since 2013 I'm a member of the Contact Improvisation group of Trieste and I run the Italian website on contact improvisation:
In June 2015 I moved to Trieste and since then I have been implementing the search for my bodily self-awareness through a regular practice of yoga, free diving and monofin swimming.
Workshop + JAM: 70 euro
Only JAM: 3€
To subscribe send an email to:
Davide: +39 333 673 8420
Jasna: +386 40 357 098
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Delavnica Kontaktne improvizacije 
Vodi Davide Casiraghi
Raziskovanje skozi igrive vaje nas bo popeljalo v radostno gibanje in improvizacijo. Skupaj bomo ustvarjali niz raznolikih situacij in se spogledali z nevsakdanjimi izzivi. Podali se bomo na pot raziskovanja in spoznavanja kaj se zgodi v trenutku, ko prisluhnemo svoji telesni inteligenci in zaupamo partnerju med izmenjevanjem teže.
Delavnica je namenjena vsem ravnem, od radovednih novincev do izkušenih gibalcev, ki želijo poglobiti svoje razumevanje fizičnih principov Kontaktne improvizacije.
Sobota, 29. oktober
9:30 - 10:00 zbiranje in prijava (telovadnica hotela Delfin)
10:00 – 12:30 DELAVNICA
13:00 – 15:00 kosilo
15:00 – 17:30 DELAVNICA (premik v telovadnico Stare italijanske šole)
18:00 – 20:30 JAM
Nedelja, 30. oktober
10:00 – 12:30 DELAVNICA
13:00 – 15:00 kosilo
15:00 – 17:30 DELAVNICA
Delavnico gosti Plesni studio Erato.
Potekala bo na dveh lokacijah. Med sobotno pavzo se bomo premaknili iz ene lokacije na drugo, ki se nahaja v bližini.
~Sobota zjutraj~
Hotel Delfin – telovadnica, Tomažičeva ulica 10, 6310 Izola
~Sobota popoldne + Nedelja~
Stara italijanska šola – telovadnica, Gregorčičeva ulica 21, SI- 6310 Izola – Slovenija
Za kosilo poskrbite sami. Vabljeni ste, da vsak prispeva hrano na skupno mizo. V telovadnici bo kotiček s krožniki, priborom, skodelicami in toplim čajem.
Dvodnevna delavnica: 70 €
Sobotni JAM: 3€
Prijave pošljite na:
Davide (IT): +39 333 673 8420
Jasna (SLO): +396 40 357 098

Hotel Delfin

Tomažičeva ulica, 10