CI workshop @ Jeff festival

Festival JEFF - Kidričeva, 19, Koper, Slovenia - Show map

CI WORKSHOP / Delavnica kontaktne improvizacije

(Scroll down for English)

Kontaktna improvizacija je improvizirana plesna oblika, ki temelji na komunikaciji med dvema gibajočima se telesoma. Telesa v fizičnem stiku se med seboj nagovarjajo ter naslavljajo na ustrezne zakone fizike, ki napovedujejo gibanje - gravitacija, zagon, inercija. Da bi se lahko odprli tem občutkom in izkusili naravni tok gibanja, se more naše telo naučiti sprostiti odvečno mišično napetost in opustiti določeno mero telesne in mentalne volje.
Na dvodnevni delavnici se bomo osredotočili na lastno percepcijo, spodbudili občutljivost ter sprostili fizične in duševne napetosti. Naša telesa bomo pripravili na zanimive vaje, skozi katere bomo utelešali temeljne tehnične spretnosti, ki se uporabljajo pri kontaktni improvizaciji.

Delavnico bosta vodila Davide Casiraghi in Ema Weixler.

Sobota, 14.9. 2019
10:00 – 15:00 (vključena 1h premora)
Nedelja, 15.9. 2019
10:00 – 15:00 (vključena 1h premora)

Obvezne prijave:


Contact Improvisation is an improvised dance form based on the communication between two moving bodies that are in physical contact and are simultaneously addressing and corresponding (to) the laws of physics that govern their motion—gravity, momentum, inertia. The body, in order to open to these sensations, learns to release excess muscular tension and abandon a certain quality of willfulness to experience the natural flow of movement.
Through body-work we will focus on our perception, stimulate sensitivity and releases some physical and mental tensions and thus prepare our bodies for playful exercises through which we will embody the fundamental technical skills used to dance Contact Improvisation, while experimenting with different sets of situations and unusual tasks to solve by our body-mind intelligence support. We will deal with what can happen in a point of contact when we listen and exchange weight trusting our dance partners.

Time frame:
Saturday, 14.9.2019
10:00 - 15:00 (including 1h break)
Sunday, 15.9.2019
10:00 - 15:00 (including1h break)


Festival JEFF

Kidričeva, 19
