We want to dance, we want to be in the dance, we want to be the dance.
In the here and now, everything can happen because is not driven from the mind, but because we let ourselfs be open to the surprise.
In this workshop we look for an integration between our own authentic self expression and a flying interaction with the partner.
How to feed a dialogue interacting with our partner albeit keeping in touch with our needs and inner world.
Letting flying interaction happen without force in an unnatural way.
FRIDAY - 22th July
18.00 Welcome and subscription
19.00 Opening circle
20.00 - Dinner
21.00 - JAM
SATURDAY - 23th July
8.00 - Breakfast
10.00 - Connecting with authenticity (Nayeli)
12.30 - Lunch
15.00 - Deal with weight (Davide)
17.30 - Beach time
20.00 - Dinner
21.00 - JAM
SUNDAY - 24th July
8.00 - Breakfast
10.00 - Body Storytelling (Nayeli)
12.30 - Lunch
15.00 - Flying structures (Davide)
17.30 - Closing circle
after - Beach time
On the first workshop we will be exploring our personal authentic expression. Starting slow with self centering and body awareness exercises. We will be exploring what is authenticity, our authentic expression through improvisational theater and dance.
We will look for the right tone to tune in with our partner and to structure ourselves during the dance, to let the flyer find the best position to weigh less and allow the carrier to find the most stable position to support the partner.
Exploration of emotions, motives and inner intentions will be our guiding line for movement, dance, interaction and connection.
We continue to explore some more functional structures to carry weight and we will experiment how to pour each other our weight into the structure of our partner, looking for a continuous weight exchange.
The workshop will take place at "Theatre in the Woods", a wonderful close to Rovigno, Croazia
Price for 3 day workshops
100€ - Early bird (before 15 July)
115€ - After
Price includes: accommodation (sleeping in tents or dance space), food for Saturday (3 meals) and Sunday (breakfast, lunch) and all workshops.
NOTICE: To subscribe, a 20€ deposit is needed.
Information for deposit:
Name:Društvo MOAVE
Adress: Podkraj 3, Zagorje - Slovenia
IBAN: 56610000013052734
Payment reason: Workshop deposit
The breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the timetable will be provided by the organization team.
The food will be vegetarian.
Write us if you have any kind of allergy or intolerance.
It will be possible to sleep in the tents where we will have our workshops or in the dance space.
Bring your own sleeping bag and mattress.
Nayeli - ŠPELA PETERLIN (Slovenia)
My passion for movement comes from playing handball for 12 years in my childhood where I have learned a lot about life and psychology. Now days my passion is exploring different ways of movement and using techniques for self reflection and growth.
I am psychologist, freelanced trainer and founder of Društvo MOAVE where we are combining psychology and movement. I am mainly working on the field of personal development, using different movement techniques (such as acro yoga, dance, counter balance exercises, soft- skills and non formal education approach - kinesthetic learning) and leading workshops and trainings where I can empower and supporting people to self expression and exploration.
After a Bachelor’s degree in information technology at the Milano Bicocca University and some years spent working behind a desk, in January 2010 I was looking for a training in physical theatre when I chanced upon a Contact Improvisation workshop held by Marco Zontini.
It took me a second to fall in love with this dance, which has allowed me to discover the relationships and harmony of my body since.
I have been studying constantly, with many teachers and got more and more passionate toward the movement and the search for bodily self-awareness.
I have been a member of the Daimon collective – organizer of the Sunday Contact Jams in Milan - since 2013.
I also run the Italian website on contact improvisation:www.contactimprov.it
I moved to Trieste in June 2015 I give there warm up and classes before the weekly jam.
Since January 2016 I've regularly given in Padova a CI workshop once a month.
For more info and subscriptions please contact us on:
Davide 333/6738420
Nayeli: 00386 40 201 613
Looking forward to meet you.